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Tallahassee, FL., June 18, 2018 – NBC is excited to announce that they are launching computer-based testing for the written examinations. The first computer-based testing (CBT) written examinations will be offered beginning July 1, 2018.
“The NBC Board of Trustees has been researching computer-based testing options for some time now,” said NBC Chair, Denise Burris, CDT. “Our goal was to increase accessibility for dental technicians interested in pursuing the CDT examinations, without sacrificing examination security. We saw computer-based testing as an opportunity to offer a greater number of testing locations and more flexible scheduling.”
NBC will partner with Assessment Systems Corporation to offer the CDT and RG written examinations online using a third-party remote proctor. “Computer-based testing with remote proctoring still meets the desire for increased accessibility as candidates will be able to complete their CDT or RG written examinations online at a location, date and time of their choosing,” said NBC Secretary/Fiscal Officer, Dennis Urban, CDT.
Of course, there will be certain rules to ensure the integrity of the process. For example, test takers will be required to select a 30-day testing window during which time they must schedule and complete their examination. Additionally, test takers will be required to test in a private location and no recording devices or test related materials may be on the desk or within reach of the test taker. Test takers must also have a computer available with a webcam, speakers, microphone and internet access to be able to communicate with the remote online proctor. Most importantly, test takers will be required to complete a series of security protocols before, during and after the examination.
“Over the last two years, our focus has been on updating our examinations to keep pace with the changing market trends’,” said Morris Fucarino, CDT, NBC Vice Chair. “In 2017, we launched revised job task outlines, updated examination references, reviewed and rewrote examination questions and revised practical examinations. Now, our goal is to focus on how we can deliver these examinations to make them more convenient, while still maintaining the integrity of the process.”
For additional information on becoming a CDT and the new computer-based testing option for the written examinations, please visit https://nbccert.org/certificants/certified-dental-technician/cdt-application.cfm or contact NBC by email at certification@nbccert.org or by phone at (800) 684-5310.


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